For many clients that first call to a divorce attorney is an incredibly difficult move. Just saying the words “I need to talk with someone about a divorce” can be a step that comes with trepidation and anxiety. We will never be able to answer the question for you as to whether divorce is right for you. That is a personal question that no family member, no friend and no lawyer can make for you. But, what we can do is answer questions you may have and talk about the many different options you have. Over the years what we have continuously heard from clients is that they feel better after having met with us. For some people what is holding them back is mis-information or fears about the process. In those cases, just having their questions answered can help them in making a decision about how to proceed. In other cases, we have assisted people in coming up with agreements and terms around a” trial separation”. We have used mediation to help couples reach agreements on incredibly tough issues like substance abuse and mental health treatment as a condition of staying in the marriage. Our job is to help you have the answers you need so that whatever decision you are making is based on you having the correct information.